Sunset Blog

Searching for her voice
Aniah Washington Aniah Washington

Searching for her voice

There once was a voice. It was timid and often muffled by the high expectations of its owner. The voice had tried, for years, to make itself heard, but was always ignored or overpowered by another. Something about the body in which the voice existed made it hard to stand out among hundreds of other voices. The voice never felt like it belonged anywhere outside of its owner's body. So for 17 years, it remained hidden inside a young girl who had never been asked to speak up.

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Do As I Say, Not As I Do
Sara Kelly Sara Kelly

Do As I Say, Not As I Do

My independence had always been a source of pride, but four years into college as my request to graduate was denied I realized that my inability to ask for help was not independence: it was obstinacy. In true middle child fashion, I never felt like a kid. I never wanted to be one, opting to sit in the kitchen and talk to parents at sleepovers instead of joining the games my peers were playing. After years of frustration at being treated like the child I was, moving into my first college dorm at seventeen was the confirmation of…

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My Story as an English Major
Seth Sherwood Seth Sherwood

My Story as an English Major

When I decided to pursue a major in English, the questions asked by my friends and family usually boiled down to something like this:

β€’ Do you want to write a novel?

β€’ What is an English major?

β€’ Are you okay with working at Starbucks for the rest of your life?

β€’ Don’t you already speak English?

They were all valid questions, if not a little ignorant, but…

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First of Many
Aniah Washington Aniah Washington

First of Many

I am the first, but I will not be the last.

I leave doors wide open behind me.

I let the winds of a younger generation blow me toward new goals,

new dreams and aspirations

that I only reach for in order to inspire more


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